
Entity Definition

Logical Name : School
Physical Name : PA_SCHL

An educational institution that a Worker may attend, as well as working for the Retailer. The school will have guidelines or legal requirements for what hours it's Students are available for work.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
SchoolID (PK) A unique retailer assigned identifier for an educational institution that a Worker may attend, as well as working for the Retailer. ID_SCHL Identity integer
SchoolEndTime The time of day the School finishes for students. TM_END Time Time
SchoolGapMinutesCount The number of minutes after the EndTime before a student can begin work at the retail enterprise. QU_CNT_MIN_GAP QuantityShortCountMinutes decimal(4,0)
LatestSchoolDayTime The latest a Worker who is enrolled at this School may work on the night before a school day. TM_LTE_SCHL Time Time
LatestNonSchoolDayTime The latest a Worker who is enrolled at this School may work on the night before a non-school day. TM_LTE_NO_SCHL Time Time
PartyRoleAssignmentID (FK) Token identifier for a PartyRoleAssignmentInstance. ID_PRTY_RO_ASGMT Identity integer PartyRoleAssignment(PA_RO_PRTY)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
PartyRoleAssignment is a School
School enrolls WorkerSchoolEnrollment

Logical Views containing School

Logical View
Logical 06310 - Party - Role View
Logical 11100 - Worker - Macro View